Sunday 22 April 2012

Me-Made-May '12 sign-up

Me-Made-May '12

Yep, I've decided to do this again - I participated in MMJ-11 and SSS-11. The first I enjoyed immensely, the second wasn't so successful, so I'm hoping that I will be happier with what I do with the challenge this time round. So here's the pledge, some more thoughts about the challenge afterwards:

I, Dilly, of Dibulous, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to wear a minimum of one me-made or me-refashioned garment or accessory each day for the duration of May 2012. In addition, I will endeavour to make/refashion three more "separates" garments to give my me-made wardrobe more versatility.

So, part of my challenge is going to be trying to expand my wardrobe - whilst it's much more fun to be sewing fabulous dresses, it's not terribly practical when trying to integrate items I've made into everyday wear... I'm hoping that the more everyday stuff will also be a bit quicker to make - my plan is to try and get a few "basic" patterns that I can then adapt as I wish - I'm already making progress on a fitted T-shirt pattern (more on that in another post), I have made a basic shorts pattern (again, more in another post).

There's another important part of the challenge to myself (although I'm not putting it in the actual pledge) - if I don't keep to the goal for whatever reason, I'm not going to beat myself up about it. If there's a day when my me-made items are just wrong (I think we all have those days whether the clothes are me-made or RTW...), I'm not going to get upset, but will instead reflect on why they feel wrong, whether I need to make garments to fill in these gaps, what fitting issues I need to improve etc. I think this will really help to improve my sewing both technically and for wardrobe planning.

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